X Walker

Walk your own way in life

The X Walker lifestyle

The X Walker is taking his own approach, is reluctant to be standard, wants to explore new methods and is learning-by-doing focused on a healthy lifestyle.


This lifestyle focusses on getting fit and stay fit as long as possible. With the challenge of combining sports and the right nutrition but still enjoy life.


As a runner and in my fifties, I decided back in 2017 that my body needed a more balanced approach and more varied challenges. So I decided to start my CrossFit journey. In the early years I focussed on CrossFit during the autumn and winter. During spring and summer I shifted focus to running again. This helped me for example to finish the New York marathon in 2019. The last years I shifted my focus more on CrossFit. Three to four times a week participate in the group WOD classes or train on my own during Open Gym hours. Depending on the rest of my schedule I run up to 15k twice a week and have one rest day. Most of the time it’s an active rest day with some biking or walking.


I started to participate in CrossFit competition although this was online due to COVID-19 restriction. To get ready for it, I did a lot of home WOD’s with limited equipment and some training in the box. I managed to win in my age group with scaled exercises. The plan is to participate in more competitions (both individual and team) to get more focus on areas for improvement. And I want to participate on the RX level. The training, WOD’s and mobility exercises in the box in combination with attention to the right nutrition made me already much stronger in general although I had a drawback twice. Mobility exercises and specific warming-up are needed when you’re getting older.

During the COVID-19 period I started the online course for the Level 1 coach and I am an official CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (Online) since April 2022. In November 2022 I added the specialty course Gymnastics to my curriculum.

When I’m travelling and stay in one place multiple weeks, I train in a local box like I did on Ibiza and Bonaire. In other cases I train with what is available or I’m focussing on specific weaknesses, like handstands, double-unders combined with body weight WOD‘s.

My lifestyle in Sevilla

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