X Walker

Walk your own way in life

Friyay evening WOD

I typically do my WOD in the morning, but do the my planning I changed it today. During the day I paid special attention to when and what I ate because I’m used to do my training with no or a light breakfast.

The training consisted of 3 parts of which the first 2 focussed on the core and last one was a short WOD.

  1. 50 reps of Ab Wheel Roll-outs + a clean and press (30kg)
  2. 3 sets of
    • 20 reps of Bear hover cross-overs with dumbell (17,5kg)
    • 20 reps of bicycle core
  3. a 12 mins AMRAP
    1. 10 reps of Medball over barbell in rack (50kg)
    2. 20 reps Alternating dumbell snatches (17,5kg)
    3. 5 reps Devil Press (2x 15kg)
    4. Score: 2 rounds+ 34 reps)

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