X Walker

Walk your own way in life

WOD – rest- Bike

Today I did a CrossFit training in the morning, did some work in the area and went home by bike (30,7K at 25,7K/hour speed) .

The program for CrossFit today was:

  1. Back Squat strength training
    • 2 sets of 3 reps @ 50% of 1RM
      • 45kg
    • 2 sets of 3 reps @ 60% of 1RM
      • 50kg
    • 3 sets of 1 rep @ 70% of 1RM
      • 55 kg
    • For all reps above: hold 3 secs at the bottom
    • max reps @ 75% of 1RM (no hold at the bottom)
      • 13 reps with 60kg + 5 reps with 65kg
    • My 1RM is 100kg but that’s been a while so I scaled down
  2. a WOD for Time
    • 1000 Single Unders
    • when your break or fail perform based on your level
      • 10mtr Handstand Walk or
      • 20 Bearcrawl or
      • 20 Handstand Shoulder taps or
      • 3 wall walks (I did this one)

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